Each year the Summer Institute presents speakers from the front lines of politics, economics, science and the arts. The Speaker Series, held Thursday evenings at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center in Vineyard Haven, offers rich opportunities to learn, to be entertained and to engage with the issues of the day. Our featured speakers have included Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize-winning authors and journalists, and political leaders who have played important roles on the world stage.
In addition, the Summer Institute also shows three Jewish films on Sunday evenings at the Hebrew Center.
Stanley Snider, the founding chairman of the Summer Institute, told the Vineyard Gazette: “I don’t know a lot of summer places where a program like this could be so successful. The Vineyard is special in that people want intellectual stimulation, along with being able to go to the beach. People are certainly learning something when they attend this series, and it opens new areas of discourse.”