All Sponsors receive:
$1,500 - benefits as above
$2,500 - 4 additional complimentary tickets to talks per summer as available, invitation to 1 sponsor/speaker dinner as available*.
$3,500 - 6 additional complimentary tickets to talks per summer as available, invitation to 2 sponsor/speaker dinners as available*.
$5,000 - 8 additional complimentary tickets to talks per summer as available, invitation to 2 sponsor/speaker dinners as available*, reserved seating at all talks.
$10,000 - 10 additional complimentary tickets per summer as available, invitation to 2 sponsor/speaker dinners as available*, reserved seating at all talks, reserved parking at Hebrew Center for all talks.
*meaning some talks are sold out early and therefore the full complement of extra seats may not be available; similarly, dinner invites cannot be promised for specific/requested speakers.