We welcome you to the 26th year of the Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute. We’re proud to continue the tradition begun in 1999 by our founder, Stanley Snider, who set out to provide a forum for intellectual activity on the island. We paraphrase Stanley’s intentions - that we should not only enjoy the beauty and recreation of this wonderful island, but we should stimulate our minds as well.
This season, as always, the Summer Institute will present six weeks of thought-provoking conversation, each led by experts in their fields, each engaging in spirited Q & A. And again, we will feature our Jewish Film Series, highlighting some of the best recent movies dealing with themes of Jewish interest. This summer, our speakers’ topics will range from the #metoo movement, to the role of drama in democracy, to inclusivity in organized religion, to science reality vs. science denial (to vax or not to vax), to the future of entertainment on big screens, home screens and smartwatches, to the new normal in politics.
Our speaker series will be hosted at the Hebrew Center for each Thursday evening, beginning July 10 (live-streamed for any sponsors or Hebrew Center member ticket holders unable to attend), followed by our speaker-sponsor brunches on Friday mornings, for six weekends. The Jewish Film Series will be screened live in the Hebrew Center on three Sunday evenings.
The Summer Institute is supported by the generosity of over 125 sponsors. If you have been a sponsor but have not renewed, or if you are not yet a sponsor, please take a look at the Sponsor Benefits and join us! We promise another season of living up to the Summer Institute’s original intent - to think, to talk, to learn.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Jim Dale & Marc Levine,